Click the screen shot from thegrio.com to see a video on go-go in D.C. politics. | courtesy thegrio.com
Primary elections are today, Washington — don’t forget to vote! You can find a polling place near you by following this link.
The mayoral race is a case of young vs. old, daring vs. diplomatic, arrogant vs. accommodating: Mayor Adrian Fenty vs. Council Chair Vincent Gray. Could it also be a referendum on the politics of go-go? Okay, so that’s probably an exaggeration. But according to this video from TheGrio.com, go-go is playing a major role in Fenty’s rallies, as he takes a page out of former Mayor Marion Barry’s political playbook.
In the video, candidates Fenty and Gray disagree on the role go-go should play in a campaign. Fenty — who trails Gray citywide in most polls and, according to one poll, has support from just 17 percent of D.C.’s Black voters — says the music has become an important part of his campaign. Gray, however, calls the move a gimmick. He says in the video that his campaign has “taken the time not only to see that [young people] are entertained, but we’ve taken the time to see that they have some investments made in their future.”
To me, this politicization of go-go seems silly, and a little unfortunate; the music definitely doesn’t belong to any one politician but, by the same token, if a candidate wants to bring a band to his rally, who’s to stop him? Either way, it’s always nice to see D.C. music makers getting recognition — and even being hailed as political kingmakers!
I wish there were more to report with regards to jazz and this election, but there hasn’t been much mention of the music during this campaign. Maybe it will enter the political discussion a bit more in the comings months, as the debate heats up over how to “rebrand” the U Street corridor and its surrounding neighborhoods.
And on a more strictly political note, for those who haven’t voted yet, you’ve got til 8 p.m. And if you’re still undecided, here’s what the people have been saying about each candidate.
- Side note: check out this surprisingly bumpin’ hip-hop track in support of Fenty, from emcee Big Wax.
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