The Month in Shows 5 November D.C. jazz picks There are five gigs with a CapitalBop starred pick on our D.C. Jazz Calendar for Nov. 1; if that’s not... November 1, 2019 0
The Month in Shows 5 October D.C. jazz picks It’s officially autumn — despite what the thermometer says — which means it’s prime time for some of D.C.’s... October 1, 2019 0
The Month in Shows 5 September D.C. jazz picks As we head into September, with the onset of autumn’s cooler days and performing arts centers’ 2019-20 seasons, D.C.’s... August 30, 2019 0
The Month in Shows 5 August D.C. jazz picks The outdoor concert season has now hit its peak and is beginning to wind down, but places like the... July 31, 2019 0
The Month in Shows 5 July D.C. jazz picks It was intensely gratifying to see D.C. musicians, fans and other folks in the music ecosystem supporting each other... June 30, 2019 0
The Month in Shows 5 June D.C. jazz picks June is the biggest month of the year for jazz in D.C.: The annual DC Jazz Festival brings artists... May 31, 2019 0
The Month in Shows 5 May D.C. jazz picks May might seem to be a lull in the jazz calendar, falling between the heightened activity of Jazz Appreciation... May 2, 2019 0
The Month in Shows 5 April D.C. Jazz Picks April is Jazz Appreciation Month, which means a flood of special programming at jazz institutions across the District and... March 28, 2019 0
The Month in Shows 5 March D.C. jazz picks Editor’s note: Today we’re introducing a new monthly feature, which we hope will help readers find ear-opening live music.... March 1, 2019 0